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Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Do you feel your heart pounding, your breath short, or your body trembling? Maybe there's a tingling sensation or a tightness in your chest. You’ve been to the emergency room and spent hours waiting, only to be told nothing is wrong. If this sounds familiar, you've likely experienced a panic attack. It’s an overwhelming and frightening sensation, but it’s important to remember that it’s a manageable condition, and you don’t have to face it alone.

Person in hoodie panick attack scared hiding away from the world unhappy

What is a panic attack?​

You have no idea why these panic attacks (anxiety attacks) are occurring, and this can lead you to blaming the location, eg, the plane, train, cinema, lift, or wherever else you may be. If, for example, you have an attack when travelling on a plane, you will blame it on the plane and a fear of flying develops - you then try to avoid all air travel.


The reality is that these anxious feelings are just a manifestation of emotions already inside you. My treatment for panic attacks can help you to eliminate panic attacks entirely and permanently so you can live the life you are meant to be living!​​


​Anxiety can be caused or triggered by various situations. Anxiety alerts us when we are in dangerous situations, allowing us to keep ourselves safe. It is perfectly natural to feel this way when confronted with danger. It can manifest as a massive release of adrenaline, but as long as the threat is real, this will subside after the danger has passed. It sure beats being eaten by a lion! 



It is not natural, however, if you are suffering anxiety or panic for no apparent reason, and this can lead to what is known as a panic attack (see above). You feel terrified and often experience the same symptoms such as tightness of the chest, rapid and complex breathing, shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat and a tingling sensation in some or all parts of the body. Other anxiety symptoms can also be experienced. Having gone through a few panic attacks (or anxiety attacks) you often then start to feel a 'fear of the fear' and this alone can bring on an anxiety or panic attack.


Generalised anxiety disorder​

People diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder report feeling in an almost constant state of anxiety. Their symptoms are many and varied - they are often cranky, shaky, sweaty, experience heart palpitations, have trouble sleeping, and find it almost impossible to relax. 

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) sufferers almost always have social anxiety (worrying about being judged by others), self-esteem issues, and feel unable to cope with most situations. Underpinning all of this are powerless and unhelpful belief systems - once these are changed, the anxiety drops away. 


Social phobia​

Social phobia or social anxiety are very common problems. They manifest in feeling very anxious about meeting people, attending parties, or even speaking up at a work meeting. 


Shy bladder​

Shy bladder is the inability to pee in front of anyone else. 

Smiling woman outdoors


Yes, this works! Anxiety and panic attacks respond well to treatment. Many therapies focus on forcing you to face your fears, but that approach often provides only temporary relief—if any at all. And sometimes, it's just too overwhelming. With me, fear doesn’t have to be part of the process. If you're looking for a gentle, effective approach, I'm here to help.

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